Functional Kombucha Variety Pack (12 Cans)
Each can of RMBR kombucha is brewed with organic ingredients and infused with vibrant botanicals, delivering a refreshing and healthy alternative for any occasion. From zesty and invigorating to smooth and herbal, the 7 featured unique flavors are designed to elevate your rituals and create real moments.
Based in Chicago, RMBR (Real Memories + Better Rituals) is on a mission to redefine non-alcoholic beverages. Their craft kombucha offers a smooth, non-vinegary taste with a touch of herbal magic, making every sip a celebration of authenticity and flavor. Cheers to better rituals and unforgettable memories!
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To assist in your selection, we classify each retailer’s policy in general terms, as follows. For further information, please click “Buy Now” on your favored product and you will be directed to the retailer’s site to learn more.
- Domestically - These products are sold and ship only within country of sale. (Eg. A Mexican made product that can only be shipped within Mexico)
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