Chocolat noir 70 % (barre de 100 g)
Ce chocolat noir est une expérience exquise, fabriquée à la main avec les ingrédients les plus remarquables de Thaïlande. Chaque barre contient 70 % de chocolat noir, fumé à la main avec art pour offrir une saveur veloutée et fumée qui défie l'ordinaire.
Imaginez un bar qui ne se contente pas de satisfaire, mais qui éblouit. Créé dans la province même où se trouve l'hôtel, c'est un joyau local au charme mondial. L'approche inventive utilise un processus minimaliste qui met l'accent sur moins de sucre, des minéraux plus riches et une technique de broyage méticuleuse de 48 heures.
Préparez-vous à un régal inoubliable où chaque bouchée est une représentation astucieuse de saveurs – un plaisir vraiment distinctif et divertissant.
Shipping Information
R FINDS operates an affiliate marketplace model which means that all products are purchased and shipped directly from the retailer, and not by R FINDS or Renaissance Hotels. The shipping policy will be listed on each retailer’s site, and the shipping cost will be calculated at checkout on the retailer site using either flat-rate pricing or calculated pricing from the retailer’s chosen shipping vendor. R FINDS encourages you to carefully consider your purchase as these policies and shipping details will vary from retailer to retailer.
To assist in your selection, we classify each retailer’s policy in general terms, as follows. For further information, please click “Buy Now” on your favored product and you will be directed to the retailer’s site to learn more.
- Domestically - These products are sold and ship only within country of sale. (Eg. A Mexican made product that can only be shipped within Mexico)
- Internationally - These products ship across borders but restrictions may apply. (Eg. A European made product that cannot ship to Russia)
- Globally - These products are generally free of restrictions and ship worldwide (Eg. An American product that can be shipped to anywhere DHL, Fedex or UPS would ship to)